  • 积极分子
  • Community Development
  • 辅导员
  • Healthcare Administration
  • 人力资源
  • Government Service
  • Non-profit Management
  • Population Analyst
  • 招聘人员
  • 城市规划

For individuals who

Are seeking an advanced degree. Want to gain a deeper understanding of people and their cultures. 


A discussion-based classroom experience. 研究 experience.


  • 积极分子
  • 辅导员
  • 人力资源
  • Non-profit Management
  • Population Analyst

The Department of 社会学 and Anthropology offers the Master of Science (M.S.) degree in 社会学. This program is based on the principle that graduate level education in 社会学 is a desirable preparation for a growing number of career orientations. Sample positions that our graduates have obtained include research analyst, instructor and human service worker. The precise plan of study for each student will be established in consultation with the academic adviser with the student's career goal in mind.

The focus of graduate education in 社会学 is directed toward both the development of applied sociologists and the advanced training of those seeking to pursue a doctoral degree. Students may elect to take courses in a specialty area, or they may pursue a background in general sociology.

The 社会学 graduate program provides students with the opportunity to expand their background and perspectives in research methods and theory. 因此, the first year of the program is designed to expose students to theory and both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Three program options are available for students. In the thesis option (Plan A), students work on a research-based thesis. Students typically test theoretical assumptions using primary or secondary data. The comprehensive study option (Plan B) is designed for students who wish to pursue an applied topic of study. Students electing this option are required to complete a comprehensive study paper. The culminating experience option (Plan C) requires a final examination in place of a thesis or paper.

Students in the 社会学 graduate program benefit from a favorable faculty-to-student ratio.

入学s Requirements

The Department of 社会学 and Anthropology graduate program is open to qualified graduates of universities and colleges of recognized standing. In addition to meeting the 研究生 大学 requirements, the applicant must have earned a cumulative grade point average in all courses of at least 3.0 or equivalent and a grade point average of 3.2 or higher in sociology.

Financial Assistance

Teaching assistantships are available to qualified applicants. 研究 assistantships may also be available, contingent on faculty research funds. Applicants for assistantships are considered on the basis of scholarship and potential to undertake advanced study and research. To be considered for an assistantship, a completed graduate admission application, official transcripts, and three letters of reference must be received by the 研究生 大学 no later than February 1.