  • 农学家
  • 作物顾问
  • 商业涂布
  • 野外生物学家
  • nrc官
  • 林业土地经理
  • 县除草官
  • 理赔人 


对农业有热情, 植物育种 and 作物生理 and want to continue learning through hands-on experience in one of the nation's leading crop producing states.




  • 产品专家
  • 区域销售农艺师
  • 种子改良专家
  • 农民
  • 农学的销售


CWS的就业机会往往比合格的毕业生要多. 生产者需要每年的投入,如种子, 化肥, 和除草剂, 因此,他们寻求销售或服务领域的帮助,如作物咨询, 化学的乐虎集团, 每年进行土壤测试. 因此, opportunities for CWS graduates usually have been more stable than in employment areas where inputs can be deferred when income is low. 也, salaries for CWS graduates are at or near the top among all graduates in agriculture due to the high demand for agronomists by many companies.

CWS的就业机会可以用我们毕业生所接受的工作来概括. Our graduates have been employed as crop production consultants (agronomists); 市场营销 experts for herbicides, 化肥 and other agricultural chemicals; managers of farm service centers for cooperatives and elevators; agents in the production and 市场营销 of certified seeds; research technicians for private companies and universities; natural resources conservationists and agents for other governmental agencies; county agricultural extension agents; field representatives for 甜菜叶片 or food processing companies; farm managers; farm insurance agents; research associates with private 植物育种 companies; and persons involved in the reclamation of strip-mined land.

Typically 10 to 15 percent of the CWS graduates at NDSU return to farming or ranching and 5 to 10 percent continue their studies to receive graduate degrees. 2022年,拥有学士学位的CWS毕业生的起薪中位数为5.2万美元. 除了, 包括健康在内的福利, 牙科, 退休后的竞争非常激烈, 签约奖金和绩效奖金可能会有的, 有些职位还可以使用车辆和手机.

许多雇主在夏季雇佣本科生作为实习生, 有些在春夏学期或夏秋学期雇佣. 一些教员雇用学生帮助进行研究活动, and the Department of Plant Sciences also sponsors summer interns with an expressed interest in 研究生院. 暑期实习生的机会, 从大一到大二的学生开始, 已经连续几年供不应求了吗. 实习生的薪水与其他暑期工作的收入相比是有竞争力的, and the strong market has resulted in wage rates as high as $22/hr with signing bonuses and some employers pay potential internship fees if taken for summer term credit. An internship provides excellent work experience and often results in a graduating senior being hired earlier and with a higher salary than students without comparable experience.


贷款, 奖学金, 奖助金, 以及勤工俭学计划可以通过财政援助和奖学金获得. 需要帮助的学生可以联系财政援助和奖学金办公室或一站式.

植物科学系为新生提供多项奖学金, 二年级学生, 初级, 大四的时候. 另外, 某些奖学金由农业学院颁发, 食物系统, 和自然资源. Applications for all college and departmental 奖学金 may be applied for online between December 1 and March 1, 每年. 也, many undergraduate students are employed part-time during the school year and full-time during the summer months to assist with research or teaching activities.


该系赞助了新大农学俱乐部. The Agronomy Club invites industry and academic experts to speak about professional opportunities and activities at club meetings. 俱乐部还安排参观当地的农业企业,并安排社区外展活动. The Agronomy Club participates in regional and national contests that involve crop production and 杂草科学. And the club 每年 attends conventions to learn about several aspects of agriculture in the North Central region.

NDSU还有近300个其他俱乐部和组织. 其中许多是围绕一个学科或兴趣领域, 就像农艺俱乐部针对CWS专业所涵盖的学科和专业一样, 但是加入这些俱乐部并不要求你是主修专业还是辅修专业. We welcome all students with an interest in Agronomy to join us whether you have background in crop production or just want to find out more about crop production and the industry opportunities.


该系提供农学四个CWS专业选择, 生物技术, 科学和杂草科学. 这是一个重点, 辅助方案, 或作为CWS专业的一部分进行跟踪,以便在每个学生的职业准备方向上进行细化. All students majoring or double majoring in CWS must meet the listed requirements for the core CWS program and one selected option. Students interested in a specific option will replace several of the elective courses listed in the sample curriculum with specific courses appropriate for that option.

  • 农艺-这个选项是最受欢迎的. 它涉及农业生产和管理的技术方面. 它提供了最多的选修学分, 它允许学生选择对农业有特殊兴趣的课程, 市场营销, 企业管理, 县扩展工程, 等.
  • Biotechnology – This option is intended for students who wish to work as a technician or pursue graduate study in the crop 生物技术 area.
  • 科学-该选项涉及化学、植物学、数学和物理在CWS中的乐虎集团. 这是一个很好的课程选择,为学生打算攻读研究生学位的CWS. The additional science and math component also provides good training for students pursuing careers in analysis and residue testing of soil, 水, 植物组织样本.
  • 杂草科学-这个选项, 它强调正确使用除草剂和其他农业化学品, 满足对农用化学品营销和乐虎集团人才的需求. 也, this option provides a good background for crop production consultants (agronomists) and plant protection careers. 重点平衡作物生产课程与杂草科学的更多要求, 昆虫学, 植物病理学和土壤科学.

除了, some faculty in plant sciences advise students interested in the Biotechnology or Agricultural Sciences majors. The Biotechnology major is an interdisciplinary program that stresses basic and applied science courses and lab experience to prepare students for employment in the 生物技术 industry or for graduate study. The Agricultural Sciences program exposes students to disciplines within agriculture for careers with diverse course needs. 通过选择至少三个学科领域的相关课程,这种接触得到加强.


新大其他专业的学生都可以选修CWS辅修. The minor includes 18 credits of coursework and includes the foundation courses in crops and production practices with broad flexibility to explore specific crop production, 害虫管理, 土壤方面, 或者基因学课程. The CWS minor will give familiarity with terms and practices within crop production to assist student preparation in a related discipline. 农业投入或商品的销售和市场经理, 出版或推广公司撰写或为农业产业, 需要饲料和作物的动物活动, or soil conservationists who need to consider acceptable farming practices to meet Farm Bill criteria and stipulations are among the individuals and situations where the CWS minor would provide good supplement to another major.