Field of Study
Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Building Inspection
  • Business Continuity Specialist
  • Community Relief
  • Corporate Consulting
  • Disaster Fieldwork
  • Emergency Management Specialist
  • Hazard Assessment
  • Healthcare Administrator
  • Military
  • Policy Development

For individuals who

Enjoy solving problems and are calm in times of crisis. Are organized and ready to rise to a challenge.

Looking for

Classes that challenge you to solve complex problems. Using theory in practice. 

To become

  • Chief Resilience Officer
  • Crisis Communication and Management
  • Disaster Relief Coordinator
  • Emergency Preparation
  • First Responder

The Program

该专业为学生在应急管理及相关领域的成功从业者做好准备. 该专业的严谨性也为学生的研究生工作做好了准备. 本专业非常适合学生将应急管理作为第一职业选择. 学生职业生涯的成功建立在以下四个项目属性之上:

  1. 提供教育基础,支持毕业生进入不同的应急管理实践环境.g., government at all levels; businesses; schools and colleges; healthcare industry; non-profit organizations; humanitarian efforts; etc.);
  2. 通过提供对该领域至关重要的基于证据的研究和科学来支持有效的实践;
  3. 通过有重点的课堂活动和必要的实习,促进和培养体验机会;
  4. 培养有效实施应急管理所需的技能.g., communication; collaboration; teamwork; leadership; critical thinking; problem-solving, etc.).

The Faculty

教师在应急管理方面拥有广泛的专业知识, 以及他们在实践和学术活动领域的专业知识. The diversity in faculty interests, 经验和专业知识为学生创造了丰富的学习环境, build relationships, and be mentored.

Curriculum Planning

Beyond the major, 鼓励学生计划一个课程,利用通识教育课程和要求来完成辅修课程,以促进他们的职业兴趣和目标. 我们的指导老师渴望与学生见面,帮助他们制定这些计划. 本系还提供一份入学指南,其中列出了一份推荐的通识教育课程清单,以帮助学生选择专业,并提供其他指导,以支持课程规划.

Transfer Students

已完成文学学士(AA)课程的转学生, or an Associates of Science (AS), or an Associates of Applied Sciences (AAS) degree, 理学学士学位的辅修要求将被免除. 这两个转学实例可以为学生节省16-24个学分或5 - 8节课. In addition, 国防部也重视我们军人的服务, and as of Fall 2020, 现役和退役军人在攻读应急管理本科学位时,可以节省一个学期的学费. 如果NDSU的注册和记录办公室承认15个或更多的军事训练学分可转移, 学生不需要完成理学学士的辅修要求.

Internship Program

A six-credit internship is required for the major. 实习通常在学生的大三或大四完成. 实习经历使学生能够将应急管理的理论和乐虎集团相结合. Internships are designed to meet each student’s career goals. As such, 实习机会和学生的职业目标一样多样,可以包括在各种地方工作, national or international settings. 实习对学生的发展至关重要,也是成功就业的关键因素.

Career Opportunities

应急管理学位为学生在所有部门的就业机会做好准备, all industries and all locations. The emergency management function, while structured in a variety of ways in different government, private sector, and non-profit organizations, 在维护安全可靠的操作中发挥重要作用,保护实体的利益. 各级政府都有应急管理方面的就业机会, across all government agencies, in all developing countries; private sector companies as both a site-based and corporate function; public schools and higher education institutions; hospital and healthcare facilities; non-profit organizations as part of a primary disaster mission or general operational mission; critical infrastructure industries; museums, malls, stadiums, and event centers; and other organizations or entities that manage facilities or services subject to hazards or operational interruptions that can result in harm to individuals, property or the organization.