  • 地理学家
  • 格兰特的作家
  • 人力资源
  • 律师
  • 执法
  • 图书管理员
  • 博物馆馆长
  • 政治家
  • 社会研究分析员
  • 老师




Classes that look at history in a wide variety of global locations. 


  • 地理学家
  • 图书管理员
  • 博物馆馆长
  • 社会研究分析员
  • 老师

的 formal study of history dates to ancient Greece, yet the discipline has never been more relevant. Understanding the modern world requires a clear understanding of what has come before, 尤其是在当今这个支离破碎、动荡不安的时代. 学习历史可以培养学生的批判性思维, 分析, 以及评估信息来源的研究技能, 参与民间辩论, 提出有说服力的论点, contribute as productive citizens of their nation and the world. An undergraduate degree in 历史 prepares students for careers in government, 法律, 公共服务, 教学, 和业务, as well as providing a foundation for graduate study in any number of fields.


学生可以在新大获得历史学士学位、学士学位或辅修学位. 也有选择专业的机会 公共历史, 历史教育, 社会科学教育.

历史 major students take 39 credits in 历史 courses in addition to University and 大学 General Education requirements. 9 credits are devoted to foundational courses at the 100- or 200-level, which introduce students to basic content in a variety of historical sub-fields, as well as skills such as analyzing primary and secondary sources, 问一些乐虎电子过去的问题, engaging in informed discussion and debate with their classmates. 然后学生要修18个学分的300或400级课程, 分布在北美历史中, 欧洲历史上, 和拓展视野类别. 的se courses expose students to cutting-edge historical scholarship in each of these fields, 在建立写作时, 研究, 讨论技巧.

在他们大二或大三的时候, 学生选修历史研究和写作, 是什么训练他们写出有说服力的文章, 以证据为基础的, 以及乐虎电子过去的清晰争论. 作为一个顶点体验, in their senior year 历史 major students apply these skills in a semester-long writing seminar, w在这里 they produce an original 研究 paper on a topic of their choice. 的 remaining 6 credits are electives that allow students to follow their own intellectual interests within the 历史 curriculum. 可在此找到定期提供的课程列表 在这里.

历史 未成年人 take 9 历史 credits at the 100- or 200-level and 9 credits at the 300- or 400-level.



1) Employ historical thinking and empathy as central to engaged citizenship;


3) Explain and analyze the complexity of human experiences outside the western world in time and space;

4) Ask questions about the past, mindful of historical contexts; and

5) Craft a historical narrative and an argument that is reasoned and based on historical evidence in appropriate primary and secondary sources.


的 NDSU history faculty consists of internationally-recognized 研究ers and teachers, several of whom have won national and University awards for their 研究 and pedagogy. Areas of strength include North American 历史 from the colonial period through the 20th Century, 大平原, 公共历史, 女人的历史, 20世纪的东南亚, 中世纪和近代早期的欧洲, 东欧的冷战, 拉丁美洲殖民地, 以及宗教史. Each faculty member has published at least one scholarly book in their area of expertise, all regularly publish articles and present 研究 papers at professional conferences. 的 department also regularly hosts regional and national history conferences and participates in colloquia and public-facing events. Find more on faculty 教学, 研究, outreach activities 在这里.


的 history faculty regularly lead study-abroad courses and are committed to expanding students' horizons at the international level. Recent and upcoming courses and destinations include the Hapsburg Empire in Vienna, 罗马的欧洲宗教传统, 在伦敦和巴黎的第二次世界大战, 日本的历史和文化, 以及西班牙的近代早期西班牙帝国.


的 department is strongly committed to helping students understand the diversity of human experience. 历史课帮助学生理解种族差异, 性别, 种族, social and economic class have affected people’s lives and influenced the modern world. Department faculty are also active in numerous efforts to promote understanding of diversity.


In 1982, NDSU launched the first public history program in the Upper Midwest. 公共历史 is a vibrant field of study that trains students to work in archives, 博物馆, 历史学会及遗址, 保护历史古迹, 历史编辑, 数字历史和纪录片制作, areas of the Federal Government such as the National Park Service. 公共历史 is a professional major that can be easily combined with a 历史 major or minor. 可以找到更多信息 在这里.


北达科他州区域研究所 与历史课程有密切联系吗. 的 Institute collects, organizes and preserves materials on our region's historical heritage.


历史系教师积极参与由 人文学科北达科他州. 近年来, 学院进行了资助研究, 写过书和文章, delivered public presentations on North Dakota women's participation in the National Women's Conference of 1977, 波斯尼亚种族灭绝, 南方内战时期的自杀和离婚, 1862年的达科他战争, French Colonial policies in Indochina.

α 的ta

新大历史系的教员赞助了一个当地的分会 α 的ta, 历史荣誉学会, NDSU students regularly present 研究 papers at the Society's regional and national conferences. 的 department holds an annual initiation ceremony in April and several social events throughout the year for PAT members. Students with at least 12 credit hours in history with a 历史 GPA of 3.1名或以上人士才有资格申请成为会员.


历史是一个多才多艺的学位, 学生们通常会在政府部门工作, 教育, 新闻, 编辑出版, 公共服务, 法律, 和业务. 的 skills fostered by historical study - persuasive argumentation, 批判性思维, 信息源分析, 和研究, 仅举几例,他们非常适合任何职业, as evidenced by the number of history majors helming Fortune 500 companies, 在政府机构任职, 并在新闻领域做出贡献, 娱乐, 法律, 和政治. 事实上,更多的美国总统——包括乔治. Bush and Joe Biden -- have been history majors than any other undergraduate field of study.

的 American Historical Association has compiled more detailed information on career paths for history majors, 包括近期毕业生的简介, 在这里.