  • 教授
  • 工业工程师
  • 制造及生产主管
  • 供应链分析师
  • 成本估计
  • 机械设计师




准备你更好地设计和实施的课程, 在制造业和服务业环境中都有更高效的系统.


  • 生产经理
  • 工业工程师
  • 生产技术人员
  • 品质保证督察
  • 工业机械


The field of industrial engineering is inherently interdisciplinary and spans across various industries, 包括制造业, 医疗保健, 热情好客, 银行与金融, 食品加工, 化工和石油, 配送及物流, 和更多的. 工业工程师在设计中起着至关重要的作用, 加强, 并安装涉及人员的综合系统, 材料, 信息设备和能源. 他们的职责通常包括提高生产力, 优化供应链, 项目管理, 并对新技术进行可行性研究, 精益和及时实现, 卫生保健管理和后勤, 以及系统集成和工程解决方案. 无论是减少过山车排队的等待时间, 精简手术室, 监管全球供应链, 开发高性能汽车, 或者解决复杂的物流问题, 工业工程师处于推动效率和创新的前沿.


The Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) at 乐虎电子 provides two programs that culminate in a Bachelor of Science degree. Students can pursue a degree in either 工业工程与管理 or Manufacturing Engineering. Notably, NDSU has the only 工业工程与管理 program in North Dakota. The Bachelor of Science in 工业工程与管理 program is accredited by the Engineering 认证 Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org, under the commission’s General Criteria and Program Criteria for Industrial and Similarly Named Engineering 项目. This accreditation reflects the program's commitment to maintaining high educational standards and ensuring its graduates are well-prepared for the engineering profession.

Motivated undergraduate students within the program have the opportunity to explore two options for accelerated master's degrees:

  1. 加速MBA: IE&M/MBA accelerated program is offered by the IME Department in collaboration with the 大学 of Business. 该课程使学生能够在一年内获得MBA学位.
  2. Accelerated Master of Engineering: The advantage of the Master of Engineering program lies in the application of pre-established coursework at the 600 level to be applied to both degrees, 提供精简的教育体验. This degree program offers a non-thesis option for those wishing to earn a graduate degree. The program consists of a minimum of 30 credits of study and a written examination and only requires one additional year of study beyond the undergraduate degree.

有资格进入研究生院并攻读IE&硕士/MBA或工程硕士速成课程, students must have completed a minimum of 60 credits and maintained a cumulative GPA of 3.0或更高.


IME系目前设在工程大楼, 哪一个是8栋建筑工程综合体的一部分. 该系有七个设备齐全的教学和研究实验室, 为学生的教育和研究需要提供宝贵的支持. 这些专业实验室涉及一系列领域, 包括计算机模拟, 人为因素, 自动化和机器人技术, 增材制造和生物制造, 计算模型, 生物信息学和运筹学, PLC的, 生产流程, 快速原型, 数控加工, 和精密加工, 以及焊接和精密制造. 在2026年秋天, NDSU's 工程学院 is set to open the new Richard Offerdahl '65 Engineering Complex. 这个尖端的设施将以最先进的研究和学习空间为特色, equipping future engineers to meet the ever-changing demands of both the University and industry for generations to come.

The faculty and staff within the IME department have extensive experience in industrial and 制造业 specialties. 他们优先考虑个性化的学习环境, 致力于亲自了解每一个学生, 认识到他们的优势, 了解潜在的挑战, 并在必要时提供支持. 在NDSU完成学位后, students will leave not only with a strong foundation for career success but also the confidence and capability for lifelong personal growth. Additionally, they will have established a network of both friends and professional colleagues.


研究生s of the IME programs at NDSU are employed in a diverse array of industries across the United States and globally. 各行各业都需要受过高等教育的人, 善于解决问题, 有效的沟通能力. IME的毕业生有能力满足这些需求, presenting them an endless number of opportunities for career choices and geographic locations, 以及快速的职业发展. 研究生s of the IME programs have become a source of talent working in industries such as health care, 制造业, 咨询, 食物, 运输配送, 信息系统. Recent IME graduates command starting salaries in the top rank of engineering disciplines. 根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national median salary for industrial engineers is $96,350 (http://www.bls.gov /哦/建筑工程/Industrial Engineer.htm).


Students who transfer with an AA or AS degree will have lower division general ed credits satisfied.


这个系每年颁发几项奖学金. Scholarships are available for incoming freshman, transfer students, and currently enrolled students. Other forms of financial aid are available through the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.




Students pursuing a major in any engineering discipline have the option to elect a minor in 工业工程与管理. This elective path provides engineering students the opportunity to add important career-加强 skills to their technological competencies. IE的选修课&M minor add skills for integrating 技术 and resources within the complex framework of people, 技术, 机器和信息构成了一个成功的现代企业. Students completing this minor will achieve a better understanding of organizational and management processes and will be better prepared to work in the multi-functional teams crucial to success in industry. The total requirement for this minor is 18 credits (6 credits are required courses and 12 credits of approved electives), 其中9个必须是唯一的,不计入专业.

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