  • 公共卫生营养师
  • 临床营养师
  • 健康教练
  • 儿童营养师
  • 餐饮服务总监
  • 政府和社区卫生顾问
  • 新产品开发人员
  • 疗养院营养师
  • 研究生院


Are interested in becoming a food and nutrition expert and helping others apply healthy principles to their everyday lives.


严格的健康课程, 食品和营养,以科学为基础的课程和实践学习经验.


  • 运动营养师
  • 营养师 
  • 食物服务总监
  • 营养学研究员
  • 糖尿病教育家


乐虎电子 has enjoyed a long-standing reputation in food and nutrition. 自1925年以来, NDSU has educated dietitians who are active nationwide in the profession of dietetics and leaders in professional organizations. 营养学本科专业是全国最好的专业之一. There are two undergraduate dietetics options at NDSU—the dietitian education program (DEP) with a concentration in community and sports nutrition, 以及营养学教学计划(DPD).

A registered dietitian is a dietetic practitioner who has completed at least four years of 大学 and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from an accredited program, 以及完成1,在监督下进行000小时的练习. 要成为注册营养师,必须通过国家注册考试. 营养师s are required to update their knowledge in continuing education during their careers. 从2024年开始, all new dietitians entering the workforce will also be required to hold a master's degree.



营养学和营养学加速学士/硕士课程结合了所需的1,在监督下进行000小时的练习 with a Bachelor of Science in Dietetics and a Master of Science in Exercise Science and 营养. The accelerated program offers a concentration in community nutrition or sports nutrition. Students graduate at the end of five years with the necessary preparation to take the Commission on Dietetic Registration exam based on the 2024 standards. 学生将完成三个阶段的申请. 学生在第二年(大二)的1月1日之前申请营养学课程。, petition the 研究生院 the summer after year 2 (sophomore year) to apply to the accelerated option, 在三年级(大三)秋季完成研究生院申请. 申请不需要研究生注册考试(GRE). 学生在三年级(大三)的春季开始课程。. 该计划的接受程度有限. Transfer students are highly encouraged to contact the department early on for information if they intend to transfer to NDSU and enter the accelerated program. 申请人的平均成绩必须不低于3分.5加2.75理科GPA. The 营养学和营养学加速学士/硕士学位 is accredited by the Academy of 营养 and Dietetics 认证 Council for Education in 营养 and Dietetics (ACEND).


The DPD includes all academic course requirements of the 认证 Council for Education in 营养 and Dietetics (ACEND). 毕业生可获得营养学学士学位. 申请截止日期为大二的1月1日. 申请人的平均成绩必须不低于3分.0加2.75理科GPA. Students accepted in the DPD should be aware that in order to become a Registered 营养师 they must complete an internship (DI), 最小值应该是3.累积绩点25. 如果GPA低于这个标准,学生被DI录取的可能性就会降低. 工作经验, 自愿或有偿, 在保健食品服务方面, or some other type of nutrition or community experience will enhance a student's chance to receive a DI. A student is eligible to take the registration examination to become a registered dietitian following successful completion of a DI. Dietetic internships are available across the United States and range in length from six to 12 months. 从2024年开始, all new dietitians entering the workforce will also be required to hold a master's degree in addition to completing the DPD and DI. 该计划也得到了ACEND的认可.



营养师受雇于医院等机构, 诊所和长期护理, 提供营养治疗和食品服务管理. 营养师在各个领域工作,包括高中, 大学, 职业体育, 在商业领域担任销售或教育专业人员, 适用于商业和政府机构, 或者在社区或临床环境和公共卫生方面. Some registered dietitians work for food commodity groups such as the Dairy Council or Wheat Commission. 营养师通过教授营养学来从事教育工作, 高校营养与餐饮服务管理, 大学, 医学院和公立学校系统. 在社区环境中, dietitians provide counseling and nutritional services for city and county health departments, 美国老年人喂养计划, 托儿中心, 学校餐饮服务项目和零售场所,比如杂货店. 营养师也在健康中心工作, 作为健康促进团队的一部分,担任医院和咨询职位.

The practice of dietetics is continuously changing as more research is conducted on foods and on the role of food in human health. 许多营养师在医院工作, 在临床管理或营养治疗中担任临床营养师. Clinical dietitians who work in nutrition therapy assess the nutritional needs of patients, 计划菜单, 为患者推荐或开处方饮食和营养支持, consult with physicians and direct educational programs on nutrition and special diets. They are members of the interdisciplinary team both in healthcare and wellness facilities.


在卫生署进行的安置调查, 营养, and Exercise Sciences at NDSU show that more than 90 percent of the dietetics graduates obtain employment in their field within four months of graduation. 应该指出的是,法戈以外的就业是最有利的. 在最近的研究中, it was projected there will be a continued demand for dietitians in both traditional and nontraditional areas for years to come. During 大学, many opportunities are available for students to obtain experience in the field. Some of those opportunities are offered through multiple healthcare facilities such as acute care hospitals and nursing homes, 在各种场所提供餐饮服务, 公共卫生服务.


卫生署, 营养, and Exercise Sciences prides itself on giving individual attention and advisement to each student. 每个营养学专业都有一名指导老师. 学术顾问帮助学生为他们的大学工作设定目标, helps them choose courses and encourages them to seek community work experience during their 大学 career. 除了学术顾问, each incoming freshman and transfer student is assigned a student advisor to help with routine questions and to give assistance in adjusting to 大学 life.


Students interested in dietetics should have a background in the natural sciences and mathematics. 较强的沟通能力, 口头和书面, 考虑营养学的学生有优势吗.


Numerous scholarships are available through the 大学 of Human Sciences and Education and the Academy of 营养 and Dietetics. 如需更多资料,请与本署联络或浏览: http://cofuxt.isakichi.net/hse/student_resources/hde_scholarships/