  • 心血管专家
  • 临床研究员
  • 诊断医学超声医师
  • 成像技术经理
  • Mammographer
  • 核磁共振技术
  • 核医学技师
  • 放射技师
  • 超声波检验师
  • 血管的技术员


对医疗保健感兴趣. 对STEM课程感兴趣吗. 有帮助他人和与病人一起工作的强烈愿望. 


动手学习在最先进的设施. 医院实习经验. 能够专攻放射科学的某些领域. 


  • 心血管专家
  • 诊断医学超声医师
  • 核磁共振技术
  • 放射技师
  • 超声波检验师

放射科学 at 乐虎电子 combines foundational science, 数学, 校园通识教育课程设有乐虎集团影像教室, 实验室, and clinical education during a two-year full-time 实习 within an affiliated hospital. Three unique and specialized 实习s avai实验室le to RS majors are radiography, 诊断性医学超声检查, 和超声心动图.


摘录也被称为 放射技术人员, 进行诊断性影像学检查, 准确定位病人位置, 获得高质量的诊断图像, 遵守自身的辐射防护规定, 他们的病人, 和同事. 他们与放射科医生密切合作, 解读医学影像的医生, 诊断诊断或排除疾病或损伤. 放射技师受过解剖学的教育, 病人定位, 检查技术, 设备协议, 辐射安全, 辐射防护和基本病人护理. 成为一名注册放射技师, RT(右), 学生必须完成认可的教育课程, 获得学位, 并通过国家认证考试. 为了保持注册,他们必须获得继续教育学分.

放射技师在医院工作, 医生办公室和诊所, 或者诊断成像中心. Multi-skilled RT(右)s who are educated and credentialed in more than one type of imaging technique are most marketable. 有经验和额外的培训, 普通放射技师可能成为CT专家, 磁共振成像, 乳房x光检查, 介入放射学, 或者晋升到管理或教育领域. 放射治疗, 超声, and nuclear medicine typically require additional specialized formal education in a dedicated training program. 目前全国各地都有职位空缺. 根据 U.S. 美国劳工部劳工统计局, employment of 放射技术人员 is expected to grow faster than average for all occupations through 2026. An increase in medical conditions among the aging baby-boom population will require imaging as a tool to making diagnoses. Mean annual earnings for 放射技术人员 in 2022 was $ 70,240 (放射学和核磁共振技术专家:职业展望手册:美国.S. 美国劳工统计局.gov)

超声波检验师 use special equipment and high frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to obtain images of internal body structures and organs. They have a high level of patient interaction and play a vital role in providing the physician with quality images to interpret, 评估, 诊断疾病或进行外科手术. Two options for NDSU students interested in 超声 are 超声心动图 and 诊断性医学超声检查. 超声心动图, 也被称为心脏超声, 评估心脏的解剖和血流动力学(血流), 它的腔室和阀门, 以及相关的血管. 诊断医学超声仪 检查腹部结构,如肾脏, 肝, 和脾脏, 乳腺组织, 生殖系统, 血管, 胎儿发育, 肌肉骨骼结构,比如肌腱和关节. 超声技师受过解剖学和病理生理学的教育, 病人定位, 检查技术, 设备协议, 基本的病人护理和安全. 注册, 学生必须完成认可的教育课程 and pass national certifying examinations. 为了保持注册,他们必须获得继续教育学分.

超声波检验师 work in hospitals, physician offices, and medical and diagnostic 实验室oratories. 目前全国各地都有职位空缺. 根据 U.S. 美国劳工部劳工统计局, the demand for sonographers will continue to grow much faster than average for all occupations through 2026. This demand is attributed to the likelihood that the need to diagnose medical conditions within an aging baby-boom population will increase, as well as the continued need for ultrasound as an alternative to imaging that involves radiation. Mean annual wages for diagnostic medical sonographers in 2022 was $78,210 (诊断医学超声医师s and 心血管专家s and Technicians, 包括血管技术专家:职业展望手册:美国.S. 美国劳工统计局.gov)


理学学士学位, 主修放射科学, includes two or more years of rigorous academic courses on campus followed by a two-year full-time professional-level 实习 in an affiliated hospital-based program. RS students must have an interest and aptitude in the sciences and 数学 and a strong desire to work directly with patients. 学术课程包括化学, 物理, 解剖学和生理学, 微生物学, 三角函数, 心理学, 统计数据, 计算机科学, 除了通识教育课程. 从事放射学三种专业之一的学生, 超声心动图, or 诊断性医学超声检查 will complete the same pre-radiologic sciences college courses. Transfer students must complete a minimum of 12-20 resident credits at NDSU prior to start of the 实习. 居住要求因RS专业而异. 在他们最后一年的校园课程中, 符合条件的学生将申请为期两年的实习. The 实习 class and clinical education prepares the graduate to work in their respective area of specialization in radiography, 诊断性医学超声检查, 或超声心动图. 大学课程和实习课程, 实验室, 和临床教育构成了NDSU授予的四年制学位. 射线照相法 graduates are eligible to take the national certifying exam administered by the 美国放射技师注册协会 获得RT(右)证书. 超声 graduates are eligible to take national certifying exams appropriate to their specialization and administered by the 美国医学超声诊断登记.


实习申请程序每年秋季开始. 实习录取竞争激烈. 入学 criteria are established in col实验室oration with affiliated hospital programs and generally includes successful completion of all college courses on campus with a minimum grade of C, 平均绩点(至少2).50-3.00美元,根据医院项目而定), 参考文献, 相关工作经验, 面试和满足项目指定技术标准的能力, 或者要求住宿来执行这些技能. Technical standards include a sound intellect and emotional health to exercise good judgement even in emergencies, 视觉和听觉灵敏度, 身体能力,举起和安置病人, 拉, 推, 携带设备, 输入数据, stand and walk for extended periods of times and communicate effectively. In addition, students must also comply with criminal background and student conduct requirements.

射线照相法. Pre-RS students who apply and are accepted into the radiography 实习 will complete their applied classroom and clinical education in one of the following affiliated hospital-based radiologic technology programs: Avera McKennan Hospital (苏福尔斯, SD), 仁慈/圣卢克医院(锡达拉皮兹), IA), 桑福德医疗中心(俾斯麦和法戈), ND, 苏福尔斯, SD), St. 云医院(圣). 云,MN), St. 卢克学院(苏城, IA), UnityPoint Health(得梅因, IA), 退伍军人事务医疗中心(明尼阿波利斯, MN). Affiliated hospital programs maintain programmatic accreditation through the 放射技术教育联合检讨委员会. 实习课程和临床经验将侧重于病人护理, 解剖学和生理学, 辐射物理与防护, 成像原理, 定位, 放射生物学, 和病理.

超声. Pre-RS students who apply and are accepted into one of the 超声 specializations will complete the 21-month 实习 offered by Sanford Medical Center Fargo. 实习课程, 扫描实验室, and clinical experience f或超声心动图 will focus on adult 超声心动图 with rotations in pediatric and stress echo. 实习课程, 扫描实验室, and clinical experience in 诊断性医学超声检查 will focus on abdomen, 妇产医院, 一小部分, 血管超声检查. SMCF的超声检查项目是由 联合健康教育计划认证委员会.

It is highly recommended that students interested in an RS major meet with the RS advisor at least one year prior to anticipated 实习 application to discuss areas of specialization, 实习录取, and create a plan of study for successful completion of degree requirements. 有关RS专业和专业的信息, 课程, 实习, 咨询联系人可以从 新苏州立大学联合科学系.